However, the realization of this vision was met with another setback, as the second abbot Master Xing Hui passed away the following year (in 1902). Overwhelmed with grief of losing her son, Master Ci Miao (the mother of Master Xian Hui and Master Xing Hui) returned home with other nuns living with her. Before leaving for China, she ordered the erection of a monument where the origin of Lian Shan Shuang Lin Monastery, events concerning the first abbot and reason for the construction of Zhū Lín Temple were recorded. After Master Xing Hui’s passing, he was succeeded by his disciple Master Ming Guang who executed his teacher’s vision with diligence, thereby ensuring the completion of the Dharma hall and subsequently the Mahavira hall.
『于此 . 当下』禅修推介会
(1) 2024年10月26日 (星期六) – 供年龄介于18岁至45岁者参加。
(2) 鉴于反应热烈,2024年10月27日 (供年龄45岁以上者参加) 名额已滿!主办单位拟于11月2日 (星期六) 另增开一场 (若报名人数达15人)。
时间: 上午9时至中午12时
地点: 双林寺禅堂
衣着: 端庄、宽松 (有袖上衣、过膝长裤为宜)
上述禅修推介会由大巴窑东青年网络与本寺联办,入场免费 (备有免费素食午餐)。
法树法师出生于新加坡,1990 年在泰国曼谷 Wat Bovoranives Vihara (俗称僧皇寺)受沙弥戒,隔年在同寺受比丘戒。参学近 2 年后,前往台湾道场修学汉传佛教。
法师回新加坡后,即在海印佛学院、佛教总会等佛学班教学与辅导信众,并服务于新加坡佛教总会理事会,后再前往台湾求受汉传三坛大戒。2001 年,法师前往澳州昆士兰大学修读有关佛学的研究生文凭与研究硕士课程。毕业后,法师至西澳洲珀斯(Perth)郊外协助建设道场。